World of (WORDS) Communication

Post date: Jan 16, 2011 6:46:38 AM

In the Series of Communication ......l

Hi! Learn to communicate well

this is the week when you will learn to communicate with

  1. Self

Communication is a process of exchanging information, Ideas, Thoughts, Opinions, Attitudes and Emotions...

Looking to this information communication with self means..

1. Getting information : the person from his world around acquires the information using his own sensory organs ..... EYES, EARS, NOSE, TONGUE and SKIN


Whatever he sees..... hears......touches....Tests and smells are the information for him.

BUT till he does not identify them it is not fruitful. so he sends such information to his own brain and tries to recognize by comparing present information with that of the past

As a result he either recognize or identifies or can find nearness of the past experiences to the present one. He then places the current information as a

    1. Your family members

    2. Your friends

    3. Your teachers

    4. Adults in the society

More on the communication Next time